
Wattle Day Cardigan

After reading Kate Davies Yokes (2015), I was compelled to cast on for a yoked cardigan, both to reinvigorate my knitting passion which was wallowing in the doldrums and to extend my savouring of the book itself. Yokes is a book to be relished, especially for its scholarly contribution to our knowledge of knitting as […]

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The Vikings are Come…to the Antipodes

Our Dear Boy had grown out of all his woollies.  It was time to make something bigger. We talked together about the elements it must include like a hood and a zip. We talked about the elements it might include like particular colours and patterns.  Armed with this knowledge, I cast the bones, made the […]

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Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

Freshly finished…a cardigan for an eight year old friend of ours.  It is my own design that I have named Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside. Ravelled here. Knitting for children as they get older is a tricky thing.  Some don’t like things around their neck. Some don’t like the heaviness of […]

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