knit | look | sew

It Is Good To Be Back

Dearest readers, I never mean to be away so long…life just happens and the days get away from me. Firstly we had the whirl of school holidays and then there were birthdays. Lots of things were made but escaped being photographed. Those of you who follow me on Instagram will recognise the following pics from […]

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The Enduring Brilliance of Elizabeth’s Percentage System

I have been catching up on some small projects recently, things that I promised my family some time ago…a jumper darn, a uniform repair and a wee jumper for a beloved doll. Winter is coming and even plastic bodies feel the cold apparently. Our Dear Girl really really wanted a jumper for her doll companion. […]

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knit | sew

Our Tree Change Dolls

Spring is birthday season in our family and there has been some tiny sewing going on in preparation. Our Dear Girl has reached the age of asking for Barbies. I struggle with this stuff. I worry about corporations and advertising executives hijacking childhood and defining gender just to sell stuff and then I worry about […]

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