
Katanooga Reprised

February 22, 2013

National Museum of Scotland, Etal Castle and train (67)Our dear girl has a red cord pinafore that she likes to wear frequently and by frequently I mean everyday if possible.  It was made a dear friend of ours under the label Katanooga Kids.  Katanooga Kids made bright, basic, indestructible play clothes for children in the nineties.  I reckon our pinny must be at least third hand by now and still looks great.  Our dear girl insisted on taking it overseas and is still not tired of it.

So we made another just to share the love and round a bit.

First I traced the pinny roughly on to paper and then tidied it up with a ruler and french curve.

IMG_5604Then I cut out the paper pieces and cut out the jumbo cord remnant I had in the cupboard.  The facings were cut from some scraps of contrasting cotton print.

IMG_5605Some seams and overlocking.

IMG_5669Clipping the armholes.

IMG_5670Turning and pressing the facings

IMG_5671Topstitching, buttonholes and viola!

It has been worn to grubby love already.  So thank you Jenny-Lynn and Kim for making great play clothes.  Katanooga lives.