This month marks needleandspindle’s first year!!!
I began the blog to document my hapazard moments of making, to coalesce these bits and pieces into a semblance of creative life.
A modest ambition I reckon, but needleandspindle has become so much more because of you. Those moments of making have become transformed into a conversation, one that excites and inspires me.
The conversation has made me braver and more committed to improving my skills. It has also probably made me a wee bit more conflicted because all this making and planning and dreaming still occurs in such frustratingly scattered moments between the very real business of raising two small dynamic people.
And now we are one! Happy Birthday! Thank you to everyone who has ever taken a moment to read this blog, comment or say something encouraging to me about the blog. Thanks especially to smileyhost for giving needleandspindle wings and to my Man for reading every single post without me ever asking and telling everyone he has ever met that I have a blog whether they might be interested or not!
To celebrate this special anniversary for me, I am launching needleandspindle’s first giveaway! Five lucky readers will receive one of my home made Solace project bags. You might have seen them pop up from time to time in my pics. I use them all the time for little projects or bits of projects that need to travel with me.
The bags are made from a fabulous vintage floral fabric destashed by a dear friend and reader. The label window is made from upcycled plastic from bedding bags and pure wool felt left over from lining showcases. I think they represent what I would like my craft work to be…beautiful yet frugal and useful.
Since needleandspindle is a blog about making, all you have to do to enter the giveaway is to comment on this post and tell me what kind of making you are passionate about. Some folks make quilts, some folks make socks, some folks make dinner, some folks make love. What kind of folks are you?
Don’t leave me hanging…if you’ve never left a comment before, make this the first time. Celebrate with me! The giveaway will run to the end of September and I’ll select five winners using a random number generator and post your Solace bag to the ends of the earth.